
The aim of our lives is to glorify God, and He has entrusted us with time, energy, and financial resources to be spent for the sake of the gospel and the advance of His kingdom. As stewards of His grace, it's our desire to see everything through the lens of eternity, giving of ourselves with joyful anticipation of hearing the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant...enter into the joy of your master"
(Matthew 25:21). 

We sacrificially give of ourselves as an act of worship (Romans 12:1-2), knowing that any good thing we enjoy has been given from the hand of God (James 1:17). When we offer our money, time, and energy to the Lord, we do so by faith, trusting in His promises and provision as we joyfully surrender whatever He asks in obedience to Christ. As a result, giving helps set our mind on eternal, spiritual realities, and frees us from the unsatisfying idols of the of the world that would compete for our affections
(Matthew 6:19-21). 

Securely give online by clicking one of our online giving links.