The Kids Ministry of FBC is a vital part of the greater whole of the church. We strive to lovingly guide our children on their own personal journey of faith by modeling what a follower of Christ looks like while teaching all who are a part of our ministry on an age appropriate level. We want kids to see how God's Word fits in to their lives, to learn how to talk to him, and to build friendships that will last. Our belief is that each and every child is a precious gift from God and our focus is to point these children to Christ through care and instruction. As much as we love your children and want to nurture their faith, reality is that church is only able to invest 2 or 3 hours each week into the spiritual life of kids. We want to support our families as they lay a strong foundation of faith for their children on a daily basis. If you are looking for resources or support on raising your children to love and follow the Lord, we are here for you. 

Weekly Events:

Kindergarten-5th Grade

Sunday School @ 9:45 AM in Kids Central on the 2nd Floor

Kids Choir @ 6:00 PM on Sundays

Wednesday Night @ 5:30 Meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner, 6:00 Meet at Kids Central

Any questions contact Christa Galbraith at 731-206-0024!